A Greener T&T

As environmental awareness continues to be an increasingly pressing matter, Ecoimpact is proud to contribute to the awareness campaign to make our country and the global community an environmentally friendly place for us to live.

We Care About The Future

The global community is making changes to shift the way we live to be more conscious of our impact on the environment. One of these changes is the use of biofuel over traditional fossil fuel which leads to fewer emissions without losing out on fuel efficiency; Ecoimpact is thinking about the world of tomorrow by joining in that process.

It's Everyone's Responsibility

We all share the world we live in so when it comes to the environment we all have a role to play! We encourage everyone to participate in any way they can, and if you aren’t sure, feel free to reach out and find out how you can join the movement and make a difference.

Seal Of Action Certification

The Ecoimpact Seal of Action program was designed to encourage companies to go the extra mile in the reduction of their environmental impact. We have designed the attractive Seal of Action logo which will be available to all our members in the marketing of their products and services.

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