Our Process

During our recycling procedure we take all necessary steps to ensure that there is minimal waste, and that any waste is treated and disposed of in an environmentally safe manner.

Our Workflow

Cleaning Process

After the waste oil is collected from your facility, it then forgoes a series of processes which include straining, filtering and settling.

Extract Impurities

We then use high powered machinery to extract water, sediment, fats, and other impurities.

Create Alternative Fuels

Our finished product is tested to ensure it meets industry standards and then handed over to be used in the production of alternative fuels.

After the waste oil is collected it goes through several stages of purification to attain its clean final form. After being poured through a filter mesh, the oil is lead into a settling tank where it is left to naturally separate. When the oil, water and solids have settled, the oil is then heated and led into a powerful centrifuge where water, sediment, fats and other impurities are extracted. The oil is tested at each stage of filtration to ensure that our final product meets worldwide quality standards before it is handed over for the production of biofuels.
Throughout our process, we ensure the most environmentally safe practices are utilized and all waste products are carefully treated and recycled where possible. Even the plastic kegs that contain the waste vegetable oil we collect are recycled or reused sustainably. In May 2011, Ecoimpact became a member of CarbonFund.org and purchased carbon offsets in an effort to reduce out carbon footprint globally. Although we cannot boast that our vehicles are powered by biofuel, this is an initiative we are eagerly looking into and hope to implement in the near future!
If you wish to visit our processing plant, please feel free to reach out to us and we would love to accommodate you.